• French Martini

    Indulge in the elegance of a French Martini, a luxurious blend of smooth vodka, rich raspberry liqueur, and a splash of pineapple juice. Served with a silky froth, this timeless libation offers a balance of sweet and tart flavours. Ideal for this Valentine's, sophistication is just a sip away.

  • Strawberry Daiquiri

    Savour the vibrant flavours of our Strawberry Daiquiri, crafted with fresh strawberries, smooth white rum, and a zesty twist of lime. Brilliantly fruity and irresistibly refreshing, it’s the ultimate refreshment. Served over ice, this classic cocktail brings a taste of paradise to every occasion.

  • Cherry Gimlet

    Elevate your cocktail experience with our Cherry Gimlet, a sophisticated blend of tart cherry syrup, smooth gin, and fresh lime juice. Perfectly balanced and irresistibly refreshing, it’s a modern twist on a classic favourite. Served elegantly, this vibrant drink is ideal for unwinding or adding a touch of luxury to Valentine's Day.

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Welcome to Mixologist London

We are creatives who are passionate about mixology. Our priority is premium cocktails.

Our cocktails arrive pre-mixed - no need to add anything but ice. Shake before serving.

We believe our innovative and charming gifts will bring smiles to the faces of friends and family.